Blueberries powerful Antioxidant properties of the Polyphenol may retard the progression of the aging process 
Blueberries may help to prevent Atherosclerosis and  reduce the Heart damage that occurs subsequent to Hearth Attack.
Blueberries may be an effective remedy for many cases of diarrhea (due to the ability of the Anthocyanosides in Blueberries to kill many of the Detrimental Bacteria, especially Eschericia coli, that cause Diarrhea.

Nutrition Facts of Blueberry
Blueberries are low in calories and fat, and provide good amounts of healthy fiber.

A 3.5-ounce (100-gram) serving of raw blueberries has Calories: 57

Water: 84%
Protein: 0.7 grams
Carbs: 14.5 grams
Sugar: 10 grams
Fiber: 2.4 gram
Fat: 0.3 grams

Carbs in Blueberries 
Blueberries primarily consist of 14% Carb, 84% water and small amounts of protein and fat.
Most of the carbs come from simple sugars, and blueberries also contain some fiber.
The blueberries have a score of 53 ( GI ) glycemic index, which measures how quickly certain foods raise the blood sugar levels that can be safe for diabetic people.

Fiber In Blueberries 
Fiber is an important part of a daily diets. Fiber may have protective effects against various diseases.
One cup of blueberries 148 grams can only provides 3.6 grams of fiber, and 16% of the carb content in these berries comes in the form of fiber.

Dr. Said Sokhandan
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