Tag: Heart

Shrimp salad
High protein low Carb Salad

This salad is great for any day of week for lunch at home or for picnic. this type of salad good for heart health and people with high blood sugar. vegetable of choice -grilled shrimps (or choice of your Protein) -Endive -Fresh pees -Fresh Corn -Fresh cauliflower -Walnut -Celery – Tomato -Mushroom For the dressing try to use olive oil and fresh…

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The term Obesity is applied to persons who are more than 20% above their recommended body weight as measured by Body Mass Index. Another means of determining Obesity is the Waist-to-Hip Ratio. approximately 35% of Men and 40%.women in US. A healthy body fat percentage for women is 21% to 35% and for men a healthy body fat percentage is…

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Progesterone is a Sexual Steroid Hormone secreted by the Ovaries, Placenta and in small amounts by the Adrenal Cortex and in males the Testes. Progesterone is a female hormone, which is a great factor for the regulation of ovulation and menstruation and excessive or prolonged bleeding during Menstruation) is often caused by sub-optimal Progesterone levels, in many female Low serum…

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Bananas may lower Blood Pressure in High blood pressure patients (due to their high Potassium content and also by inhibiting the activity of Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE)). Bananas may strengthen and thicken the Gastric Mucosa and my alleviate Diarrhea and Constipation.Green, unripe Bananas may heal Duodenal Ulcers (65% of patients) and Gastric Ulcers (35% of patients). Bananas Contain – Amino acid (Cystine, Leucine, Lysine, Phenyalanine,…

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 Pomegranate is nutrient dense and a antioxidant rich fruit. The outer layer is not edible but the juice and the seeds inside are providing all the fruits health benefits. Pomegranates contain high levels of flavonoids and polyphenols, potent antioxidants offering protection against heart disease and cancer. A glass of pomegranate juice has more antioxidants than red wine, green tea, blueberries,…

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Garlic is an herb and is a species in the onion genus, Allium its close relative includes the onion, Shallot, Leek, Chive and Chinese onion. Health benefits of Garlic1- May prevent abnormal Blood Clotting (by blocking the production of Fibrin and Thromboxane A2) (due to Ajoene, Allicin, Alliin, Adenosine and Quercetin   of garlic).2- May improve the elasticity of Blood…

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Omega-3 Fatty Acids also called omega-3 oil they play an important role in human physiology and diet. Three type of Omega-3   1– Alpha-LInolenic acid (ALA) Fund in plant oils edible seeds (walnuts, Flaxseed, Hemp….).2- Ecosapentaenoic Acid in marine oils ( fish, Krill, Eggs and certain Algae).3- Docosahexaaenoic Acid in marine oils ( fish, Krill, Eggs and certain Algae) .…

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Blueberries powerful Antioxidant properties of the Polyphenol may retard the progression of the aging process Blueberries may help to prevent Atherosclerosis and  reduce the Heart damage that occurs subsequent to Hearth Attack.Blueberries may be an effective remedy for many cases of diarrhea (due to the ability of the Anthocyanosides in Blueberries to kill many of the Detrimental Bacteria, especially Eschericia coli, that cause Diarrhea. Nutrition Facts…

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Celeryis a thick, light-green stalked vegetable of the parsley family.Celery is generally seen as an ordinary crunchy, low-calorie vegetable, and very few people realize that celery can play an important role in their overall health. Celery may lower blood pressure  (due to the 3-n-Butyl Phthalide content of Celery) also lower total serum cholesterol up to 7% (due to the 3-n-Butyl-Phthalide…

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Oats  Oats (Avena sativa) are a whole-grain cereal that are a very good source of fiber, especially beta glucan, and are high in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.Whole oats are the only food source of Avenanthramides, a unique group of antioxidants believed to protect against heart disease, blood pressure and other benefits, such as lowering blood sugar.Oats may lower total serum Cholesterol…

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Magnesium deficiency and symptoms

Magnesium deficiency and symptoms Magnesium is an alkaline macrominral that functions as an electrolyte, a critical nutrient for heart and cardiovascular support. Magnesium is involved in over 300 enzymatic reactions, vital for producing ATP, the fuel for every cell in your body. Magnesium with Potassium is the principal intracellular cation, electrolyte, that conducts a positive electrical charge.less than 2% of Americans have been experience…

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Calcium deficiency and symptoms

Calcium plays major to build and maintain strong bones. Calcium is necessary for function of heart, muscles and nerves.Some studies suggest that calcium, along with vitamin D, may benefit bone health and perhaps protecting against cancer, diabetes, weight and high blood pressure. Calcium plays a major role in our health and the bones and the teeth, but this bone-building mineral…

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