Helicobacter pylori (H. Pylori)

Helicobacter pylori ( H. pylori) is a  Detrimental Bacteria that resides in the Gastric Mucosa and the Mouth (usually in Dental Plaque).  It is the most common type of Bacteria that infects humans although it causes its toxic effects in only some persons. Helicobacter pylori is recognized as the most prevalent Bacteria to infect humans in the world.H. pylori infection is uncommon in young children. Breath test have a 95% sensitivity and 90% specificity. Other test (Stool, Blood, or Endoscopy / Biopsy).

Toxic Effects of Helicobacter pylori
May increase the risk of Ischemic Heart Disease
May increase the risk of abnormal Blood Clotting
– May increase the risk of Stroke
May increase the risk of Atherosclerosis
 May cause Hypochlorhydria
 May cause Heartburn
May cause Gastritis
May damages the Gastric Mucosa
– Helicobacter pylori
is a major cause of Gastric Ulcers
May be the underlying cause of the abdominal Pain associated with many cases of Indigestion
Major cause of Peptic Ulcers(except Jejunal Ulcers)
May increase the risk of Larynx Cancer,  Stomach Cancer
may cause Periodontal Disease.
– Helicobacter pylori
is suspected of causing Rosacea (eradication of Helicobacter pylori often results in a significant reduction in Rosacea symptoms)

Substances may Suppress or Eradicate Helicobacter pylori

– Betaine Hydrochloride may suppress or kill Helicobacter pylori
Amino acids may inhibit the growth of Helicobacter pylori (N-Acetyl-Cystine, Glutamine)
– Bile acids
may help to suppress Helicobacter pylori
Hormone (Melatonin) may facilitate the eradication of Helicobacter pylori
Microorganism’s may inhibit Helicobacter pylori (Bifidobacteria bifidus, bulgaricus, Lactis) and (Lactobacillus acidophilus, rhamnosus, reuteri)
– Polyphenols may inhibit Helicobacter pylori (Catechins, Quercetin, Curcumin)
– Vitamins ( B12, C)
– Grapefruits Seeds, Celery Seeds, Cumin Seeds  may kill Helicobacter pylori
– Garlic may suppress Helicobacter pylori
– Drugs (Idebenone) by inhibit the growth of Helicobacter pylori


Dr. Said Sokhandan
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